revision date: 2023.10.26
1. Introduction
1.1 Joint Torque Sensor, ATSB series
1.2 Key features
Ultra-Thin torque sensor
All-in-one sensor (No additional amplifier)
Two Channel ouput data for safety
Overloading 300%
Digital output communications (CAN, etc)
Easy installation and data collection
Collaborative robot, industry application, automation.
1.3 Specs.
1.4 Flyer
1.5 Documents
2. Installation Guide
2.1 Components
Torque sensor 1 EA
No separate components other than special order (integrated cable)
2.2 Mounting
Required to tighten with appropriate torque for each bolt.
When disassembling the sensor's own bolts, performance is not guaranteed and A/S is not possible.
Be careful of cable cutting and excessive pulling.
The lower fastening part is a counterbore, and the upper fastening part is composed of a tap.
Example of torque sensor connection (the thickness of the part connected to the top is recommended to be at least 10t)
Do not apply pressure to the upper and lower covers.
Appropriate tightening torque table for each bolt
Bolt | Tightening torque | Torque wrench example |
M3 | 20 kgfcm | 100QL-MH, 50QL-MH |
M4 | 45 kgfcm | 100QL-MH, 50QL-MH |
M5 | 75 kgfcm | 100QL-MH, 150QL-MH |
M6 | 120 kgfcm | 150QL-MH, 225QL-MH |
If the tightening torque is not observed, data may not be output properly.
We recommend tightening with an appropriate torque using a torque wrench.
2D drawing
2.3 Wiring
Pinout 4pin (CAN_H, CAN_L, V, GND)
Apply appropriate operating voltage to Vin (red) (5-10 V)
Connect GND (black) and shield (copper wire)
120 ohm termination resistance is required between CAN_H (white) and CAN_L (green)
2.4 Communication
CAN protocol
CAN 2.0A
Baud rate: 1Mbps
Number of Data: 2 Bytes
sampling rate 1kHz
CAN data output
The default ID is 0x01
CAN ID Setting mode
ex) Change ID to 0x0A: ID 0x102, Data 01 01 0A (hexadecimal)
2.5 Sample program
USB-to-CAN device driver installation
You can use other CAN support boards, but you must use an IXXAT converter to use the provided sample program.
USB-to-CAN V2 (, used version: 1.01.0281.11001
Downloads and Documentation for Ixxat Products, VCI V4 - Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 [Driver, canAnalyser-Mini, Manuals, LabView and other add-ons]*
*Check VCI V4 during installation and reboot PC after installation.
IXXAT CAN monitor
CanAnalyzer3 Mini
windows key→ IXXAT folder → IXXAT CanAnalyzer3 Mini
Sample program provided by Aidin Robotics
Install the IXXAT CAN VCI V4 and installer
Sample program
After connecting the sensor, run ATS_sample_program.exe
Pop-up screen when running sample program
Select VCI Device
Select your device. Devices currently connected to the PC are displayed in a list. Click the applicable device and press the OK button.
※ The sample program was created based on IXXAT’s USB-to-CAN converter.
Select Controller
The device name selected in the previous step will be displayed. Select the controller channel below and press the OK button.
initialize CAN Controller
This is the step to initialize the controller selected in the previous step. Check the frame and baud rate and press the OK button.
Sample program interface description
① Program run
Run the sample program. It runs automatically the first time you run it, and after STOP, you can run it by pressing the run button.
② Graph plot
You can check real-time torque (Tz) data in a graph.
Set the CAN ID of the connected sensor. If there is more than one ID, enter the lowest ID.
ex) In case of 0x10(16), 0x11(17), enter 16 in decimal.
The value is initialized to 0 based on the current torque value. By eliminating installation and attachment factors, the desired force value can be measured.
Exit the program. Press both STOP buttons and the program ends 3 seconds later.
⑥ Collect Data
Save the torque data log. Please refer to the explanation regarding data storage on the page below.
Save data log
Set storage directory
The file name is saved with time in the current directory of the sample program.
Data log storage
Click the button below Collect Data to start saving. When saving, the button appears in fluorescent color. To end saving, press the same button to end it. Data is stored cumulatively in files, so it is recommended that you specify a new file for each save.
Check data log
You can check the saved torque data by opening the file in the directory. (Unit Nm)
1kHz 데이터 저장용 프로그램
최대 24시간 저장 가능
메모리 4GB 여유 권장
CLEAR : 그래프 히스토리를 초기화 합니다.
SAVE : 그래프 히스토리를 파일로 저장합니다. (파일명은 현재 시간)